The Fairy Circle

Fairy Tea

Fairy Tea

Tea & Faeries: For me, connecting with faeries and nature is always a priority and the easiest way to do this is by drinking herbal and floral teas. What's better...

Fairy Tea

Tea & Faeries: For me, connecting with faeries and nature is always a priority and the easiest way to do this is by drinking herbal and floral teas. What's better...

May's Flower Moon

May's Flower Moon

The Flower Moon. What is it? How do we use it's energy? What are the correspondences?

May's Flower Moon

The Flower Moon. What is it? How do we use it's energy? What are the correspondences?

The Witches Familiar

The Witches Familiar

What is a familiar? Many moons ago, a witches familiar was considered a low ranking demon that was given to the witch by the devil himself. But that of course...

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The Witches Familiar

What is a familiar? Many moons ago, a witches familiar was considered a low ranking demon that was given to the witch by the devil himself. But that of course...

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